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Staff Directory

Administration and Office | Special Needs | Specials | Instructional Staff | Custodial and Food Services
Pre-K | Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade | Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade

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Office Staff

Jacob Moyes


Annette Trout

Secretary, Treasurer

Robin Small

School Counselor


Rachel Hopf


Toni Jones

PK Instructional Assistant

Christina Parke

PK Instructional Assistant


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade


Brett Bardwell

PE Teacher

Maria Farrar

Art/Music Teacher

Stephanie Landin

STEM & Computer ScienceTeacher

Special Education

Support Staff

Malisha Frick

Instructional Assistant

Rachel Kimmel


Keith Milton


Summer Morre

Instructional Assistant

Haley Reed

Permanent Substitute

Custodial and Food Services

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